Safety is Our Top Priority!
The personal safety and health of each employee of this company is of critical importance. The prevention of occupationally induced injuries and illnesses is of such consequence that it will be given priority over any conflicting priority. To the greatest degree possible, management will provide all mechanical and physical facilities required for personal safety and health, in keeping with the highest standards available.
We maintain a Health Safety Environment (HSE) Program conforming to the best practices of organization of this type. To be successful, such a program must start with proper attitudes and culture toward injury and illness prevention on the part of Management, Supervisors and Employees. It also requires cooperation in all safety and health matters, not only between supervisor and employee, but also between each employee and his or her co-workers. Only through such cooperative effort can a safety culture for all employees be established and preserved in their best interests.
We believe that all incidents are preventable.
Our objective is a Health, Safety and Environmental Program that will assist in the prevention of injuries and illnesses, loss and damages within our organization, not merely in keeping with, but surpassing the best experience of operations similar to ours. Our ultimate goal is zero incidents and zero injuries.
Our Health, Safety and Environmental Program will involve: